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Get 24 Months for the Price of 12 Months! Save 50% OFF Device Security Pro (3 Devices). BUY NOW.

Trusted by 8 of the top 10 Fortune 500 companies.
We'll have your back, too.

Ranked #1 in phishing detection Icon
Ranked #1 in
phishing detection

30+ years of experience Icon
30+ years of

Companies trust Trend Icon
Companies trust
Trend Micro

Identity theft in numbers

Ranked #1 in phishing detection Icon


Kiwis are affected by identity
theft each year. 1

Ranked #1 in phishing detection Icon

$200 million

is lost to identity theft
every year. 1

Ranked #1 in phishing detection Icon

Every $12,000

is the average financial loss to
victims. 2

We’ve got the tools you need to...

Stop sites from collecting your data

Stay safe from privacy-compromising cookies and invasive trackers looking to harvest your data.

Stay alert to data leaks

Rest assured that if your personal info is leaked to the internet or dark web, you’ll be notified. Our identity theft experts will be on hand 24/7 to advise you on what to do next, too.

Secure your social media accounts

Get alerts about any suspicious activity or unauthorized login attempts. Supports Facebook, Google, and Instagram.

Defend against online threats

Keep your devices safe from online threats such as phishing scams and malicious websites, all backed by our award-winning Web Threat Protection.

Stop sites from collecting your data

Stay safe from privacy-compromising cookies and invasive trackers looking to harvest your data.

Stay alert to data leaks

Rest assured that if your personal info is leaked to the internet or dark web, you’ll be notified. Our identity theft experts will be on hand 24/7 to advise you on what to do next, too.

Secure your social media accounts

Get alerts about any suspicious activity or unauthorized login attempts. Supports Facebook, Google, and Instagram.

Defend against online threats

Keep your devices safe from online threats such as phishing scams and malicious websites, all backed by our award-winning Web Threat Protection.

Product Features

Trend Micro
ID Protection

Social Media Account Monitoring
Web Threat Protection
Personal Data Leak Check
Password Generator
Password Manager
Dark Web Monitoring
Wi-Fi Checker

  1. Trend Micro
    ID Protection

    1. Anti-tracking
    2. Social Media Account Monitoring
    3. Web Threat Protection
    4. Personal Data Leak Check
    5. Password Generator
    6. Password Manager
    7. Dark Web Monitoring
    8. Wi-Fi Checker


Still unsure? Check our frequently asked questions.

Identity protection involves measures and practices to safeguard personal information from unauthorized access or misuse, aiming to prevent identity theft. This can include using strong passwords, securing personal devices, being cautious with online information sharing, and monitoring financial accounts for suspicious activities.

With more identity theft cases happening in our daily lives, Trend Micro™ ID Protection offers all the necessary measures to protect your privacy and safeguard against identity theft.

Equipped with tools to secure your social media accounts, stop sites from collecting your data, and stay alert to your data leaks; rest assured that Trend Micro ID Protection keeps your identity and privacy yours.

Trend Micro ID Protection Advanced also includes credit monitoring in addition to the basic identity protection features such as anti-tracking, social media account monitoring, Web Threat protection, personal data leak check, Password Manager, Dark Web Monitoring, as well as WiFi Protection.

Equifax Credit Protect (12-month) must be claimed via redemption. Equifax Credit Protect (12-month) subscription is for 12 months only, regardless of your Trend Micro subscription length. Equifax Credit Protect (12-month) subscription starts after redemption code has been successfully processed by Equifax. Claims must be made within 90 days of purchase. Only one redeemable code per purchase.

For full T&Cs and to claim, visit

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Who is Trend Micro?

Trend Micro is an industry leader in antivirus protection and internet security, with more than 30 years of security software experience in keeping millions of users safe. Trend Micro Security secures your connected world providing protection against malware, ransomware, spyware, and cyber threats that could compromise your online experience. It also helps protect you from identity theft, viruses, online scams, and other emerging threats.

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